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Bryan's Qualifications:
LLB (Hons) Victoria University of Wellington (1971)
Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand (1972 – 2013)
Barrister of High Court of New Zealand (2013 – present)
Bryan's memberships:
Association of International Petroleum Negotiators
Law and Economics Association of New Zealand
Competition Law & Policy Institute of New ZealandEnergy & Natural Resources Law Associa¬tion of New Zealand (Inc.) (Executive Committee member and Past Chairman)
LawAsia Energy Section (Immediate Past Chairman)
New Zealand China Trade Association
Institute of Directors, New Zealand
Bryan's areas of practice:
Bryan has been listed by Euromoney’s Guide to World’s Leading Energy & Natural Resources Lawyers, and by the Expert Guide’s Guide to World Leading Energy & Natural Resource Lawyers, as one of world’s leading energy and resources lawyers and by the International Who’s Who of Oil & Gas Lawyers, as one of the world’s leading oil and gas lawyers. He has been described by the Client Guide to New Zealand Law Firms as ‘having considerable expertise’ and an ‘excellent reputation’ in this area. He was listed in the Australian Legal Business Magazine in 2009 as one of Australia and New Zealand’s leading energy & resources lawyers. The Asia Pacific Legal 500 (2010) reported that Bryan’ is ‘recognised for innovative legal work in the electricity sector’, and that Bryan is ‘one of (if not) the top oil and gas lawyers in New Zealand’.Bryan has acted for the New Zealand Government on the petrochemical public private partnerships, sale of electricity to aluminium smelter plants and project financing of a petrochemical projects. He has acted for the Government’s mining state-owned enterprise on mining projects, a state owned electricity generator and retailer of electricity and gas on renewable energy exploration (geothermal) and wind farm projects, the state-owned national electricity transmission company, a multinational electricity demand response aggregator and Australian and New Zealand mining companies. He has also been counsel for the New Zealand Government on the resolution of resource disputes, including a NZ$1.9 billion dispute with petroleum mining companies and international arbitration proceedings with multinationals.He is a former part time lecturer and an experienced trainer undertaking training assignments in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, England and Nigeria
Professional experience highlights

Bryan has acted for

New Zealand Government in the negotiation of the contract for the sale of gas to a public private partnership (between state owned Petroleum Corporation and Alberta Gas) chemical grade methanol petrochemical plant

New Zealand Government on the negotiation of the contractual arrangements for the New Zealand Government’s participation in the public private partnership with Mobil Oil Corporation for gas to synthetic gasoline petrochemical plant (the Synfuel project)

New Zealand Government in the negotiation of agreements for the supply of electricity to aluminium smelter plant owned by Comalco (for Tiwai Point expansion) and the proposed smelter to be owned by Alusuissee/Fletcher/Gove Alumina consortium

New Zealand Government in respect of the New Zealand Government’s participation in the Synfuel project and the US$1.7 billion project financing of the Synfuel project

New Zealand Government in New Zealand High Court and Court of Appeal proceedings in respect of the sale and purchase of Maui Gas (involving NZ $1.9 billion)

As senior counsel for Ngati Toa on an appeal from the Maori Land Court of Appeal to the Privy Council on matters associated with the Treaty of Waitangi

New Zealand Government and junior counsel to the New Zealand Solicitor‑General in arbitration proceedings before the International Center for Settlement of International Disputes by Mobil against the New Zealand Government (involving the Synfuel project and New Zealand Commerce Act 1986 issues)

Minister of Energy, New Zealand Government, on every petroleum joint venture to secure the Governments 11% carried interest in every petroleum exploration permit until the Government introduced its current royalty regime

New Zealand Government in respect on the sale of Maui gas and sale of synthetic gasoline in international markets

New Zealand Government on the privatisation of the New Zealand Government’s participation in the Synfuel project public private partnership

New Zealand Government on the privatisation of its Maui gas trading assets (involving an application to the Commerce Commission for authorisation and restructuring to meet Commerce Act 1986 requirements

New Zealand Government on the corporatisation of the Government’s coal mining activities as Coal Corporation (now Solid Energy Limited

New Zealand Government on the corporatisation of the Government’s state housing activities as Housing New Zealand

Australian gold mining interests in respect of the acquisition and disposal of New Zealand’s prospecting licences

Acted for the New Zealand Government in respect of the privatisation of its interests in some petroleum mining licences

Capital Power MED (a local authority electricity supply department) of its corporatisation as Capital Power Limited

Capital Power Limited on competition law and contractual commercial matters arising from energy trading and distribution functions

Western Mining Corporation, Western Australia, as operator of New Zealand Kupe petroleum mining joint venture on the sale of gas and condensate (including the then Kupe gas marketing interests)

Western Mining Corporation, Western Australia, on the sale of its New Zealand petroleum interests

Gas House on competition law issues in relation to the New Zealand Gas Pipeline Code and on the development of the Gas Reconciliation Code

Petroleum Industry Fuel Forum (New Zealand Refinery, Shell, Caltex and BP) on competition law implications of the contaminated diesel crisis, and petroleum retailers on industry meetings

A major petroleum companies on gas sale and purchase agreements

Kupe offshore field (Shell, OMV and Todd Petroleum) joint venturerers on the joint marketing and sale of Kupe gas

Fletcher Challenge Energy/Shell on litigation arising from the sale and purchase of gas

OMV, an Austrian petroleum mining and marketing company, on the divestment and acquisition of petroleum mining interests (including an acquisition of 10% in the Maui field and other petroleum joint venture interests)

OMV as operator on the development of the Maari offshore crude oil discovery

A coastal shipping company on the regulatory regime for ports and airports (including the Commerce Commission investigation into airport landing charges), submissions for reform and litigation against Port companies on port charges

Transpower, the owner and operator of New Zealand’s electricity transmission grid, on contracts for access to and use of the electricity transmission grid, contracts for new investment in the transmission grid, hedge and financial transmission rights contracts, multilateral industry wide agreements for sale and purchase of wholesale electricity, system security, allocation and reconciliation, contracts used by distributors, generators and retailers, and economic regulation issues (including submissions to and appearances before the Commerce Commission and an application to the Commerce Commission for an authorisation of Transpower’s pricing methodology)

New Zealand Shipping Federation on the competition law and regulatory regime applicable to New Zealand Ports, review of port legislation in other countries, whether certain conduct of New Zealand Ports is anti-competitive, pricing methodologies and strategies adopted by certain New Zealand Ports, proposals for reform, and the Ministry of Transport’s review of the exercise of market power by New Zealand Ports and Commerce Commission’s Inquiry into pricing by Airports

Silver Fern Shipping Limited on the competition law and regulatory regime applicable to New Zealand Ports, whether conduct of certain Ports is anti-competitive, pricing methodologies and strategies adopted by certain Ports, proposals for reform, and the Ministry of Transport’s review of the exercise of market power by New Zealand Ports and the Commerce Commission’s Inquiry into pricing by Airports

CentrePort, Wellington, on legal advice in preparation of contracts for fast ferries (owned by an Argentinean firm) use of berths at CentrePort, Wellington, New Zealand

A freight forwarding company on a section 98, Commerce Act  investigation into alleged price fixing

New Zealand Rugby Union on numerous matters associated with the introduction of professional rugby

An Abu Dhabi oil trader on oil trading contracts in the international market

Genesis Energy, a New Zealand state owned electricity generator and retailer, on fuel supply maters and some matters arising from its participation in the current Kupe joint venture for the development of the Kupe oil and gas field

Japanese multinational on the reorganisation of its New Zealand petroleum exploration and production interests

Powerco, New Zealand’s second largest electricity and gas distribution company, on pricing and contractual matters and some economic regulation issues

Mighty River Power, a New Zealand state owned electricity generator and retailer of electricity and gas, on matters arising from the Maui pipeline open access regime, farmins and farmouts of petroleum exploration interests and the wholesale purchase and sale of gas

Unison, New Zealand’s fourth largest electricity distribution company, on its contractual regime and economic regulatory, issues

Energy Direct New Zealand Limited, a major gas and electricity retailer on its wholesale and retail contracts

Malaysian training organisation to deliver a three day training course in Indonesia in 2013 on negotiation of mining contracts and dispute resolution

United States petroleum exploration company in relation to all its New Zealand interests

EnerNOC New Zealand Limited, a new entrant on the aggregation of electricity users, to supply demand side management services to Transpower

Indonesian, Malaysian, Singapore and London based training organisations to provide two and three day training courses in 2014 -19 on commercial contracts including oil & gas, power and mining and project engineering, procurement and construction contracts

Bryan's publications and papers:
Geothermal Energy Law in New Zealand, (1982) Co-author; Energy Law in Asia and the Pacific, IBA/LAWASIA, Mathew & Bender

Oil & Gas Legislation in New Zealand and the Investor, (1983) New Zealand Law Journal 351

Energy Law in New Zealand, (1984) 2 Journal of Energy & Natural Resource Law 117

Current Cost Accounting and the Law, (1985) New Zealand Law Journal 18

Commentary on Mining and Environmental Legislation Relevant to New Zealand, (1987) Australian Mining and Petroleum Association Year Book 137

The Mining Licensing Regime: Current Developments, Coauthor, (1988) Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, New Zealand Branch Conference

Legal Nature of Licensees Interest under Petroleum Act 1937 and Proposals to Review Part II of Petroleum Act 1937, Co-author, 1989 New Zealand Petroleum Exploration Conference

Energy Resources – Acquisition Opportunities in the Asia Pacific Region: New Zealand, (1990) LAWASIA Energy Section Conference, Melbourne, Australia

The Role of the Small Investor in Petroleum Exploration, 1991 New Zealand Petroleum Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand

Foreign Investment Law and Policy, 1991, New Zealand Petroleum Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand

The Role of Lawyers in the Due Diligence Process, 1992 IIR Conference on Asset Sales and Management, Wellington, New Zealand

Practical Implications of the Energy Sector Reform Legislation, 1992 IIR Conference on Electricity Pricing and Purchasing, Wellington, New Zealand

Joint Operating Agreements, 1992 LAWASIA Energy Section Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Co-author

Offtake Agreements: The Essential Element to Entry, 1993 IIR Conference on Commercial Opportunities in Power Generation, Wellington, New Zealand

Legal Aspects of Gas Trading, 1994 New Zealand Petroleum Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand

Joint Ventures, 1994 IIR Conference on Joint Ventures, Auckland, New Zealand

Tradeable Long Term Supply Contracts, 1995 IIR Conference on Electricity Rationalisation, Wellington, New Zealand

Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Commerce Act, 1995 AIC Conference Utility Markets Summit, Wellington, New Zealand

Resolution of Disputes under the Commerce Act, 1995 Competition Law and Practice Workshop, Wellington, New Zealand

How to Attack Take or Pay Contracts and (Maybe) Win, 1996 New Zealand Petroleum Conference, Auckland, New Zealand

Legal Issues and Regulation of Utilities in New Zealand, 1997 Utilities Market Conference, Wellington, New Zealand

Understanding the Open Access Regime, 1998 New Zealand Petroleum Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand

Problems Arising from the Resale of Maui Gas, 1998 New Zealand Petroleum Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand

Port Reform, 1998 New Zealand Shipping and Ports Conference, Wellington, New Zealand

Contracting in and with the Crown, 1999 Public Sector Conference, Wellington, New Zealand

Who would want to be a Downstream Purchaser of Maui Gas, 2000 New Zealand Petroleum Conference, Auckland, New Zealand

Competition Law Compliance, 2001, New Zealand Law Journal, 310, Co-author

Government Regulation and the Commerce Act, 2002, IIR Competition Law Mastercourse, Wellington, New Zealand

Legal Developments Impacting on Maritime Industry, 2002 Shipping and Ports Conference, Auckland, New Zealand

Economic Regulation of the New Zealand Electricity Industry, 2002 Annual Workshop, Competition Law and Policy Institute, Wellington, New Zealand

Rainmaking, 2002 K Legal International Conference, Barcelona, Spain

Assessing the Current and Future Role of Public and Private Sector Partnerships in the Ports and Shipping Industry, 2003 Ports and Shipping Forum, Auckland, New Zealand

Regulation of Utilities: Is there any method in the madness, Co-author, 2004, Annual Competition Law and Regulation Review, Wellington, New Zealand

Default by a Fellow Joint Venturer –Are you Adequately Protected, 2004 New Zealand Petroleum Conference, Auckland, New Zealand

Market Definition and Design of Competitive Electricity Industries, 2004 15th Annual Workshop of Competition Law & Policy Institute of New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand

Negotiating Force – Majeure Clauses, Kensington Swan 2004 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand

Negotiating Petroleum Farmout Agreements, Kensington Swan 2004 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand

LNG Projects and Contracts for the Importation of LNG, Kensington Swan 2004 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington, New Zealand

Law in relation to negotiation in the Energy Sector, Kensington Swan 2005 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand

Negotiation in Good Faith clauses in Energy Sector Contracts, Kensington Swan 2005 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington, New Zealand

New Zealand Developments – recent changes and developments in the New Zealand petroleum industry, [2006] AURELawJI 30 , co-author

Development of Infrastructure; new directions, 2006 6th Annual Land Transport Summit, Auckland, New Zealand

Trans-Tasman Harmonisation of Competition Law, 2006 6th Annual Competition Law & Regulation Review, Wellington, New Zealand

Development of Infrastructure: New Directions, 6th Annual Land Transport Summit, February 2006, Auckland, New Zealand

New Zealand Developments – Crown Minerals [2007] AURELawJI 19, 21 and 22, co-author

The Strategic Importance of Regulation and Managing the Relationship with the Regulator, New Zealand Regulatory Evolution Summit, June 2007, Wellington, New Zealand

Governance Response to Climate Change, Institute of Directors in New Zealand Inc, February 2008, Wellington, New Zealand

The Ban on Fossil Fuel Generation: What are the Legal and Practical Implications?, Co-author; Kensington Swan 2008 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington, New Zealand

Sole Risk and Non-Consent Clauses in JOA’s, Kensington Swan Energy Seminar Series, Wellington, New Zealand 2008

Analysis of Policy and Regulatory Framework of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme with reference to the Closer Economic Relations Treaty [2008] AURELawJI 62

Access Agreements under the Crown Minerals Act: Do’s and Don’ts, Co-author, Kensington Swan 2008 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington, New Zealand

Resource / Energy Contracts: Coping with a Change in Circumstances, Co-author, Kensington Swan 2008 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington, New Zealand

The planned thermal generation moratorium: impacts on the New Zealand gas sector, 6th Annual Gas Industry Summit, September 2008, Wellington, New Zealand

The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) and the Opportunities in Forestry, Co-author, Kensington Swan 2008 Climate Change Seminar Series, Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand

Trade Impacts of the NZ ETS, Kensington Swan 2008 Climate Change Seminar Series, Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand

Sustainability Contracts, Co-author, Government Procurement Conference, August 2008, Wellington, New Zealand

The Impact of Climate Change on M&A Due Diligence, Kensington Swan 2008 Climate Change Seminar Series, Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand

The NZ ETS and Closer Economic Treaty, Climate Change Law Summit, September 2008, Te Papa, Wellington, New Zealand

NZ ETS under the microscope – current and future position of the NZ ETS, Reviewing Emissions Trading & Climate Change Summit, March 2009, Wellington, New Zealand

An update on the geothermal energy in the New Zealand context, Kensington Swan 2009 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington, New Zealand

Chairman and presenter, NZ ETS under the microscope – current and future position of the NZ ETS, Reviewing Emissions Trading & Climate Change Policy Summit, 25&26 March 2009, Wellington, New Zealand

The impact on the New Zealand energy sector of proposed RMA changes, The RMA Reform Forum, April 2009, Wellington, New Zealand

Forestry and the impact of carbon trading, Kensington Swan Climate Change Seminar Series 2009, Wellington, New Zealand

Impact of RMA reform on energy, RMA Reform Forum, 28 April 2009, Wellington, New Zealand

Forestry and the impact of carbon trading, Kensington Swan 2009 Climate Change Seminar Series, Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand

Chair and panelist, Public and private partnerships, LexisNexis Conference, May 2009, Wellington, New Zealand

Chairman and presented, Challenges in New Zealand: Financing and Allocation of Risk, Public Private Partnership Conference, 22 May 2009, Auckland, New Zealand

Renewables as a Way Forward, Awatea Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 19 May 2009, Wellington, New Zealand

Governance and Politics of State-owned enterprises, Energy Law Association Conference, 18 May 2009, Wellington, New Zealand

The state of the legislative regime in New Zealand for geothermal energy, Kensington Swan 2009 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington, New Zealand

Carbon capture and storage – where to from here? Kensington Swan 2009 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington, New Zealand

Renewables in New Zealand, Kensington Swan 2009 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington, New Zealand

Update on the NZ ETS: Key issues and implementation, Kensington Swan 2009 Climate Change Seminar Series, Wellington, New Zealand

Enhancing water transfer rights and allocation, Kensington Swan Climate Change Seminar Series 2009, Wellington, New Zealand

Future of Gas, Energy Round Table Conference, 20 October 2009, Wellington, New Zealand

The security of New Zealand’s energy supply, Kensington Swan 2010 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand

Structure of power projects in New Zealand, Kensington Swan 2010 Energy Seminar Series, Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand

Managing risk in oil and gas contracts, New Zealand Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference, Oil & Gas Australia, August 2011

Continuous disclosure obligations for the energy sector, to disclose or not, Kensington Swan 2011 Energy Seminar Series, 25 May 2011, Wellington, New Zealand

Efficacy of force majeure clauses in the energy contracts in light of recent disasters, Kensington Swan 2011 Energy Seminar Series, 28 July 2011, Wellington, New Zealand

The future of demand response in the New Zealand electricity market, Kensington Swan 2011 Energy Seminar Series, 23 September 2011, Wellington, New Zealand

Financing of Energy Projects, Kensington Swan 2012 Energy Seminar Series, 5 June 2012, Wellington, New Zealand

Joint Operating Agreements in the Petroleum Industry, Kensington Swan 2012 Energy Seminar Series, 18 September 2012, Wellington, New Zealand

print media:

Breaching the Barriers to Competition, Marketing Matters, December 1994

The Sexy Aspects of LNG Contracts, Co-author, Oil & Gas Gazette Magazine, October 2008

The Fate of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme, Oil & Gas Gazette Magazine, December 2008

The fate of New Zealand emissions trading scheme, Co-author, Oil & Gas Gazette Magazine, January 2009

Renewable energy is where the future lies, National Business Review, 12 February 2009

Taking axe to ministerial consent for transfer of permits under Crown Minerals Act, Oil & Gas Gazette Magazine, February 2009

Climate change summit to look into emissions trading policy, Energy News, February 2009

Big emitters to co-operate, National Business Review, March 2009

Fresh strategies for keeping a foot on gas, Independent newspaper, March 2009

Kyoto news no reason for complacency, Carbon News, April 2009

Methane hydrates in New Zealand: potentials and pitfalls, Oil & Gas Gazette Magazine, October 2009

Just good business: The GHG dilemma – when to start counting? New Zealand Management Magazine, October 2009

Call to let Rudd lead way on ETS, The Dominion Post newspaper, May 2009

Appropriateness of permit regime for geothermal evaluated, Energy News, May 2009

State-owned enterprises governance, Energy News, May 2009

Coal to liquid technology – implications for the petroleum industry, Oil & Gas Gazette Magazine, June 2009

Possibilities and barriers, Co-author, Energy New Zealand Magazine, Issue 9, Winter 2009

New look industry event, Energy News, July 2009

Carbon capture needs stand-alone legislation, Co-author, Energy News, July 2009

Heavy penalties for making false carbon claims, Co-author, Independent newspaper, August 2009

A moral dilemma: to report or not to report? Co-author, Independent newspaper, October 2009

Carbon claim warning, Co-author, Energy New Zealand Magazine, Spring 2009

Methane hydrates in New Zealand: Potential and pitfalls, Co-author, Oil & Gas Gazette Magazine, October 2009

ETS cost weighing on energy investment decisions, National Business Review, November 2009

Trans-Tasman single economic market: a step in the right direction for oil & gas, Co-author, Oil & Gas Gazette Magazine, December 2009/January 2010

Hands across the Tasman, Co-author, Energy New Zealand Magazine, Issue 11, December 2009

Certainty for business with passage of ETS amendments, Energy News, December 2009

Renewable versus gas-fired electricity generation and the environmental consent process, Co-author, Oil & Gas Gazette Magazine, January 2010

The Sweet and the bitter, Energy New Zealand, Perspectives 2010 Sector: Resources, February 2010

Mining controls already in place, Independent newspaper, April 2010

Land access permit and the minerals proposal, Co-author, Oil & Gas Gazette Magazine, April 2010

Crown land already protected, Co-author, Energy New Zealand Magazine, May/June 2010

Structure of power projects, Energy News, May 2010

Emissions scheme to fuel price increases, Independent newspaper, 17 June 2010

Lessons from Pohokura, Co-author, Energy New Zealand Magazine, September/October 2010

China and communication, Energy NZ Perspectives 2011, Resources, January 2011

Mega price hike rocks energy field, quoted by the Dominion Post newspaper, 29 March 2011

Genesis could take EA to court on UTS ruling process – Gundersen, quoted by Energy News, 16 June 2011

China’s massive spend up on energy, Energy New Zealand Magazine, July/August 2011

Live Media:
Business being told to face up to reality of emissions, Radio New Zealand, 27 August 2008

Businesses being urged to prepare for emissions trading, Radio New Zealand, 21 November 2008

Australian and New Zealand joint ETS, Radio Live, 3 March 2009

Shake-up of the Electricity Sector, New Zealand National Radio, Morning Report, 22 May 2009

Government’s plan to encourage exploration, Radio Live, 19 November 2009

Government’s plans to open New Zealand gas and oil resources, Radio New Zealand, 19 November 2009

Will there be any surprises in partial asset sales? Business News, Breakfast TV, 6 March 2012 –

Bryan's Governence Experience:
Council member, National Council, New Zealand Institute of Directors (2008 –2010)

Chairman, Wellington Branch Committee, New Zealand Institute of Directors (2006 – 2010) and member of the Branch Committee (2003 – 2010)

Chairman, Senior Directors Training Course, New Zealand Institute of Directors (2006)

Trustee, Young Enterprise Trust (2002 – present), being a Charitable Trust with the objective of promoting and running enterprise education in schools which has adopted the corporate governance model

Board of Directors, Wellington Rugby Football Union Inc (1998-2004), responsible for amateur and professional rugby in Wellington, New Zealand, and the management of the Hurricanes Super 14 franchise. Bryan was Chair of the Audit & Finance Committee and member of the Commercial Committee

Advisory Board, VIP Transport Services, Department of Internal Affairs (1990-1995), responsible for commercialising the enterprise providing chauffeur and self-drive services to the Government

Advisory Board, Quality Service Enterprises, Department of Internal Affairs (1988-1995), responsible for commercialising the enterprise providing office cleaning services to Departments of State

President, College Old Boys Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club (2014-present)

Past Chairman, College Old Boys Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club (Harlequins) (1997‑98)

Past Chairman, Victoria University of Wellington Rugby Football Club (Inc) (1990-91)

Past Chairman, LAWASIA Energy Section

Past Chairman, Energy Law Association of New Zealand

Member of the Ministry of Commerce Consultative Group on Competition Law (1992 -94)

Member of the Government Consultative Group on the Harmonisation of Australian and New Zealand Business Law (1992-94)


Chairman, Kensington Swan (1993-1995) being a law firm of 38 partners and 314 people in total with many $millions of revenue (while a law firm partnership, Kensington Swan has adopted the corporate governance model)

Deputy Chairman and Director, Kensington Swan (2004-2009),

Director, Kensington Swan (1991-1997)